Power Platform - Power Automate - HTTP trigger URL
Have you ever wondered if it was possible to programmatically get the HTTP URL of an HTTP triggered Power Automate? So have I!
When deploying HTTP triggered Power Automate flows you are only able to get the URL of the flow after it has been deployed into the environment.
I was wondering if I might be able to get the URL using PowerShell
, so that I can then pass that onto anything that might need it, environment variables, application settings etc.
If at any point someone finds a supported & documented API/CLI command to be able to do this. Please share!
Note: You might need to change the flow endpoint to your geography
The script has a dependency on az PowerShell module
If my flow wasn’t restricted to specific users the SAS token would be in the query string as well.
The response also includes the method GET
, etc.
And here it is an action!